Don’t let the freckles fool you, a complete 1/2 of A-Tooch is Italian. It’s a pretty big influence in what she cooks, likes to eat and maybe subconsciously, the people she dates and temper she has (?) Every year for as long as I can remember we’ve made what I call the pilgrimage to mecca […]
Tag Archives: beef
Feast of San Gennaro – Little Italy, NYC
Review: Three of Cups – East Village
Another one of the many Italian food gems sitting in A-Tooch’s East Village neighborhood that it has taken, hm, about 16 months to dine at. As I’ve said before, I’m a pretty tough sell when it comes to Italian food. But I heard good things about this casual, reasonably priced spot so we choose it […]
Party of Eight: The Ski-cation
A-Tooch and friends trekked to upstate NY this weekend for a group ski/snowboard outing. Naturally, the food planning emails began weeks ago. We rented a fabulous house with a lot of kitchen room for eight people (we spent most of our waking hours in that kitchen…) Oh, and check out this view: Can you say […]