You may have noticed (we hope) that TFAW have been out of the loop these past couple weeks. Luckily, Miss Yunks has returned from her kitchenless-abyss and A-Tooch is back from a vacation to Panama.
I am a huge fan of Latin food and was expecting to eat a ton of it in Panama. A combination of both staying in a mansion home with a big kitchen plus lack of really interesting local food quickly put an end to that plan. We cooked a lot on our own, including a makeshift Thanksgiving dinner (minus the football, substitute infinity pool and sunbathing).
I really do believe that as New Yorkers, we are spoiled with some of the best food across all cuisines. This makes it difficult to travel since I have open access to some really good, authentic Latin food right at my doorstep. Here are some of the more interesting highlights of my trip to Panama:
Street meat, right out of the back of a van. At $2 an arepa, it’s the best deal in town.
Fresh fried cod (Bacalao-like), with platanos. Cooked for us by some crazy natives — but that is a story for another day.
Street fruit and veg — fresh.
…and of course, our homemade ‘tropical’ Thanksgiving dinner. Though I’ll admit the plate we shared with our poolboy was met with a quizzical look when he saw the canned cranberry (seriously people, how has this delicacy only made it in the U.S.??)