It’s becoming the best annual foodie tradition for A-Tooch (see 2012 and 2011): the return of Village Voice’s Choice Eats. Two big themes I noticed this year: Brooklyn and meat. Lots of it. Because I am a peanut butter fanatic, I also hopped on this delicious, sweet and light fluffernutter pastry from Brooklyn Kolache. I […]
Tag Archives: brooklyn
Choice Eats 2013
Village Voice’s Brooklyn Pour – Ft. Greene
Last weekend, A-Tooch dropped into the Village Voice’s first annual Brooklyn Pour. This event was totally the “See and be seen” for craft beers. Roommate L and I browsed the stands of familiar faces like Brooklyn Brewery and Abita (my personal fav from the South), along with some smaller upstate NY shops like Keegan Ales […]
Coming Up: ‘Brooklyn Pour’ Craft Beer Festival
If you’re in NYC, here’s an event not to miss. TFAW have had a great (and affordable) experience at Village Voice events in the past. The Village Voice’s “Brooklyn Pour” craft beer festival, featuring over 100 local craft beers, from over 50 brewers, along with food and entertainment will host its inaugural event on Saturday, […]
A Taco Tour of Sunset Park, Brooklyn

To celebrate her day off work diversity in honor of Martin Luther King Day, A-Tooch and friends ventured to Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The Mexican neighborhood has reputably some of the best food in the boroughs; we were tipped off to the idea by Serious Eats. In all fairness, we ate way more than just tacos. […]