It’s becoming the best annual foodie tradition for A-Tooch (see 2012 and 2011): the return of Village Voice’s Choice Eats. Two big themes I noticed this year: Brooklyn and meat. Lots of it. Because I am a peanut butter fanatic, I also hopped on this delicious, sweet and light fluffernutter pastry from Brooklyn Kolache. I […]
Tag Archives: lexington armory
Choice Eats 2013
Get Ready — Choice Eats 2012
You may remember A-Tooch’s obsession when she discovered the Choice Eats event last year. It’s baaaaack. The happiness was bittersweet this year, when I thought I was going to be in Florida during the date of the event (yay for sunshine, boo for missing it). Since I recently found out I’ll be in town, I […]