Family Foodie Rituals

On this Foodie Friday, A-Tooch and Miss Yunks got to thinking about old family meal traditions on different days of the week.

A-Tooch: More often than not, Friday=pizza night at the Tooch household. It was always something to look forward to at the end of the week. For some strange reason black olives were the topping of choice on half of the pie and maybe this is explains my affinity for olives today! Also like any traditional Italian family, Sunday was pasta dinner (served at an awkward hour of about 3 or 4 p.m.)

Miss Yunks: Growing up, I had two weekend foodie traditions. I had a babysitter most Saturday nights and we’d order Papa Gino’s pizza and mom would stock the cabinet with Milano cookies. I don’t remember eating many sweets when I was younger (which is probably why I’m known to overindulge now to make up for that lost time) so Saturday nights were a treat. Every Sunday night my family went out for Chinese food, usually to Lotus Flower in Framingham, and ordered moo shi chicken. When I was 10 and first became vegetarian I let my dad pick out the chicken pieces from my serving. These days I would never do that and at some point I made the family switch to vegetable moo shi!

Have any foodie rituals in your family? We want to hear!

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One Comment

  1. Molly
    Posted April 22, 2011 at 9:10 AM | Permalink

    In my family, we always celebrated Friday night with a special Shabbat dinner. Challah, soup, chicken, veggies, the whole works. I’ve carried this tradition into my own household and now I look forward to my own celebration, oftentimes with a table full of company.

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