A-Tooch recently found a cheap brunch spot worthy enough to blog about. In the overcrowded NYC market, these are hard to come by. Nestled all the way over on Avenue C (er…) is Matilda, a trendy looking spot that brands itself as “Tusc-Mex.” How could you go wrong with Tuscan Italian and Mexican food combined? […]
Tag Archives: East Village
Tu-lu’s Bakery – Vegan and Gluten Free Options

When the craving calls, you can’t fight it and you will go to any extreme to satisfy the urge. In a rush to cure her cupcake craving this weekend, A-Tooch ventured around the corner to Tu-lu’s, a gluten-free bakery. Bf was so stunned by their beauty… he took some cupcake glamour shots. I have plenty […]
Mara’s Homemade — Review and Farewell
A little update on this post from A-Tooch dated back in 2009. Sadly, the last supper was celebrated at Mara’s Homemade in the East Village. Following a couple weeks on two separate trips in the south, I was going through some serious southern cookin’ withdrawl. Lucky for me, Mara’s Homemade is an authentic and delicious […]
Review: Three of Cups – East Village

Another one of the many Italian food gems sitting in A-Tooch’s East Village neighborhood that it has taken, hm, about 16 months to dine at. As I’ve said before, I’m a pretty tough sell when it comes to Italian food. But I heard good things about this casual, reasonably priced spot so we choose it […]
Boca Chica Review
Butter Lane Cupcakes Reunion

Miss Yunks and A-Tooch reunited in NYC this past weekend for a jam-packed weekend of events. Miss Yunks came to the city to watch J run her first-ever NYC Marathon. Of course, a series of foodie events were carefully planned around the race! No time was wasted — Miss Yunks got off the train on […]
Cupcakes in Review: Butter Lane
A rare event it’s true, but this weekend A-Tooch took over for cupcake expert Miss Yunks to review a well-known cupcakery in NYC’s East Village. Surprisingly Butter Lane Cupcakes, had not yet made an appearance on Miss Yunk’s tour-de-NY cupcakeries. Here’s how it went down: A-Tooch: have you ever been to butter lane bakery in […]