Following the week prior’s juice cleanse, A-Tooch had quite a few Meyer lemons leftover, waiting to be consumed. Luckily, the bf’s birthday was the very same week and he happens to love lemons (I think?) Meyer lemons are a great alternative to the sour, tart flavor of regular lemons. They are slightly milder and a […]
Tag Archives: lemon
Christmas Eve Crab Cakes
In A-Tooch’s family, Christmas Eve dinner is always a traditional Italian “Seven Fishes” meal. Since she was on call to cook this year, seven fishes became two. Still very ambitious. What can I say… small apartment and a lack of experience cooking fish (new year’s resolution 2012) made me settle on two seafood courses. I […]
Light Lemon Cheesecake

I’ve read a few recipes in the past that call for gelatin to lighten up a regular cheesecake mix. Seems impossible though — isn’t the best part of cheesecake how decadent and bad for you it is?