Black Bean and Sweet Potato Quesadilla

I am contemplating not posting this as I’m typing.  The photograph really just doesn’t do this quesadilla justice.  Sorry, quesadilla.  You tasted really good.  You looked really good.  And I was really hungry and didn’t play around with photographs before I started eating.  Despite this poor photo, I really liked this meal and want to share it anyways.

EKaz was coming over for dinner.  I tried to think of something tasty and simple to make with ingredients I already had in my apartment.  I first thought of pizza because that’s easy, but I wasn’t really in the mood.  I was surprised too.  I had leftover naan bread and thought about making naan pizzas, and then I got a better idea.  Naan quesadillas.  I wanted to make black bean and sweet potato quesadillas because my sister made them last week and the combination sounded so good when she told me about it.  I decided to make them for EKaz.  I also had half an onion, so I first carmelized the onion.  I cooked the sweet potato and peeled and sliced it.  The combination of sweet onions with the beans and potato was so delicious, and I topped it all off with goat cheese and an Italian cheese blend.  For dinner, we put sour cream on top.  When I had the leftovers for lunch the next day, I substituted greek yogurt.

The flavors inside the quesadilla plus the naan bread made a unique meal that I would definitely repeat!

What’s the most unusual quesadilla you’ve had?  What’s your favorite?

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  1. Michelle
    Posted October 8, 2010 at 10:10 AM | Permalink

    These naan quesadillas looks great! I like to make quesadillas with leftovers like pulled pork. Its not too weird but still a little different!

  2. Jaime
    Posted October 8, 2010 at 2:09 PM | Permalink

    This looks beyond yummy. I’ve had a lobster quesodilla- amazing!

    PS: That’s so cute about Tom! lol

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