A fellow Syracuse alum, Kendyl Severino, recently started her own cupcake business. Kendyl has always been an entrepreneur and been interested in starting a food related business, as evidenced by her senior year project where it was her idea to create a personal chef business. She currently lives in Philadelphia, PA and bakes cupcakes out […]
Category Archives: Cupcakes
Vanilla Mini Cupcakes with Cherry Buttercream Frosting

A-Tooch finally scored the mini cupcake pan she has been wanting for quite a while now. For a coworker’s birthday, she tried her inaugural recipe in the pan. ‘Tis the season for tasty fruit treats! After trying the cherry buttercream cupcakes at Tu-Lu’s not too long ago, I’ve been hooked on duplicating that recipe (in […]
Cupcake Camp Boston 2011
Usually, camp is a place you go during the summer when you’re a child. Camp is a place you go to alone or with a couple friends and make new friends. Camp is a place full of your favorite activities. Camp is a no judgment happy place. Okay, that may not be totally true – […]
Tu-lu’s Bakery – Vegan and Gluten Free Options

When the craving calls, you can’t fight it and you will go to any extreme to satisfy the urge. In a rush to cure her cupcake craving this weekend, A-Tooch ventured around the corner to Tu-lu’s, a gluten-free bakery. Bf was so stunned by their beauty… he took some cupcake glamour shots. I have plenty […]
Choice Eats 2011

On a last minute whim, A-Tooch scooped up her press pass 1.5 hours into the event and decided to drop into The Village Voice’s 4th Annual Choice Eats. Smartest choice made in a VERY long time. I’ve been to my fair share of foodie events in NYC where a bunch of local known and unknown […]
Sugar Bakery
Miss Yunks can always go for a cupcake. That’s not new news. But how far will she go? Well, that depends how good the cupcake is. It’s a positive relationship – the better a cupcake, the farther she’ll travel. Luckily for me, this cupcake these three cupcakes were delivered to me at work. Thanks, Mom! […]
Chocolate Cupcakes
A short while ago I felt inspired to do something I’d never done before. I’ve followed cupcake recipes several times, but I’d never made up my own recipe. I’d frosted cupcakes several times with a knife, but I’d never piped frosting. I’ve eaten cupcakes with fillings, but never filled cupcakes myself. This particular day, I […]
Butter Lane Cupcakes Reunion

Miss Yunks and A-Tooch reunited in NYC this past weekend for a jam-packed weekend of events. Miss Yunks came to the city to watch J run her first-ever NYC Marathon. Of course, a series of foodie events were carefully planned around the race! No time was wasted — Miss Yunks got off the train on […]